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In any given year officers of the Neptune Township Police Department are involved in tens of thousands of citizen contacts. Many are routine and many involve critical situations. The Internal Affairs Unit is tasked with handling complaints from the public regarding officer conduct, as well as rare allegations of criminal conduct by department members. The unit accepts, reviews, and responds to all complaints against police officers received from the public or from superior officers within the organization. These include anonymous complaints, complaints from third-party witnesses, juveniles and complaints from parties not directly involved in the incident from which an allegation arises. All allegations are carried to their logical conclusion by experienced and trained investigators. Penalties that may be assessed against any member or employee of the Neptune Township Police Department include: Oral or Written Reprimand, Suspension, Demotion or Dismissal.

Links to Standard Operating Procedures:


All complaints are categorized based on the alleged offense. Upon the completion of the investigation it is reviewed by the Chief of Police and is designated with one of the following dispositions:

  • Exonerated: The alleged incident did occur, but the actions of the officer were justified, legal and proper.
  • Sustained: The investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to prove the allegation, and the actions of the officer violated a provision of the agency’s rules and regulations or procedures.
  • Not Sustained: The investigation failed to disclose sufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegation.
  • Unfounded: The alleged incident did not occur.

Internal Affairs Reports: